La Traviata: Love Trumps All

Spanish version available in Bicidue.

La Traviata, an opera in three acts, was premiered last Friday, 10/27/2017 at the Margot and Bill Winspear Opera House in the AT&T Performing Arts Center, located in 2403 Flora Street, Dallas, Texas, 75201; returning to the Dallas Opera for a ninth time. The music was composed by Giuseppe Verdi and it’s based on a libretto by Francesco Maria Piave. The plot follows two sources: a play entitled La Dame aux Camélias from 1852 and Alexandre Dumas Jr.’s most famous novel with the same name: Lady of the Camellias. The performance was sung in Italian with English subtitles.

Violetta Valéry, a courtesan, is really Marguerite Gautier in the novel; whereas Alfredo Germont, a young bourgeois, is Armand Duval. The female lead, a soprano, is sung by Georgia Jarman. The male lead, a tenor, is sung by René Barbera, who came in as a substitute for Zach Borichevsky. The opera was conducted by Carlo Montanaro.

The play contrasts a pleasurable, epicurean, libertine life versus a meaningful one tied to love, proving how love can be painful and not always pleasant. The opera, however, places love above everything else.

Even though God might forgive you for your sins, society will not. Simply renouncing to your past to build a better future is not always an option. Nineteenth century Italy, like England, embodied Victorian values. Censorship forced Verdi to adapt his plot to several generations in the past, separating it from Italian contemporary customs.

La Traviata, which means the “fallen” or “strayed” one, is a tale of love, an impossible love between a true romantic man and a more modern version of a reformed Thaïs. Violetta’s disease symbolizes, in a karmic sense, her atonement for her sins during his past, frivolous life. It is possible that Verdi composed this opera trying to redeem his lover, the operatic soprano Giuseppina Strepponi, a woman who had left her bastard children, whom she have had with different fathers.

Most people can recognize the Brindisi song, carried on early during the first act, which represents a true accomplishment in Verdi’s repertoire and a classic tune that still survives at opera’s pinnacle. A link to the song appears here: The performance also has many praiseworthy arias and duets, none of them more heartfelt and breathtaking than the one toward the third act’s conclusion, entitled Parigi, o cara (We will leave Paris).

Staging was an absolute success. One of its most obvious triumphs was including Valéry’s alter ego or shadow in several strong scenes. Such a character was a nice touch and served as a point of clarification for those opera-goers who have not yet read Alexandre Dumas Jr.’s book. This “shadow” looked exactly like Jarman and wore a white dress, appearing during important scenes, becoming less and less active as the opera progressed. Toward the second act’s resolution, she started walking very carefully, as if she was trying to keep her balance on top of a tight rope, representing Violetta’s struggle between life and death. In the third act, this character changes her dress from white to black, symbolizing that Valéry life has ended. During the third act, being Mardi Gras outside, the opera draws a very clear dichotomy between an inner, painful, true love and an external, lighthearted, fake fun.

XXIX Premio de Ensayo Becerro de Bengoa

El pasado martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017, se entregaron los Premios Literarios de la Diputación Foral de Álava, en la Sala Amárica, Vitoria-Gasteiz, País Vasco, España.

El evento fue presidido por el Diputado General de Álava, Ramiro González, y la Diputada Foral de Euskera, Cultura y Deporte, Igone Martínez de Luna, entre las 19:00 y 21:00, hora local. Los autores premiados aparecen a continuación:

Nombre del Concurso Idioma Número de Obras Presentadas Autor Premiado, localidad Obra Premiada
XLVI Certamen de Cuentos Ignacio Aldecoa Castellano 417 Fernando Molero, Córdoba, España El efecto dominó
XLVI Certamen de Cuentos Ignacio Aldecoa Euskera 36 Xabier Etxeberria, Guipúzcoa, España 1982
XXIX Premio de Ensayo Becerro de Bengoa Castellano 14 Raúl Quintana Selleras, Camagüey, Cuba Filosofía fragmentada. 137 pensamientos para el tercer milenio
XXIX Premio de Ensayo Becerro de Bengoa Euskera 6 Juan Luis Sudupe Ateismoaren aldarrikapena
XXXVIII Certamen de Poesía Ernestina de Champourcín Castellano 86 Imanol Ulacia Bar Kabi
XXXVIII Certamen de Poesía Ernestina de Champourcín Euskera 6 Manu López, Vitoria-Gasteiz, España Aldi Baterako. La colección ‘Para un Lado’


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Dibujos de Ángel López de Luzuriaga (Ardiluzu).

Fragmento de la obra Filosofía Fragmentada.

Discurso de aceptación del premio Becerro de Bengoa en su vigésimo-novena edición.

Samson et Dalila: not even God could have saved this opera’s limitations

Spanish version.

Samson et Dalila: not even God could have saved this opera’s limitations
A story of betrayal and unfulfilled expectations: romantically, religiously, and musically.

The opera Samson and Delilah premiered last Friday, 10/20/2017 at 8:00 pm at the Margot and Bill Winspear Opera House in the AT&T Performing Arts Center, located in 2403 Flora Street, Dallas, Texas, 75201. The opera, in three-acts, was created by the French romantic composer Camille Saint-Saëns, and was returning to Dallas for a third time, after previous presentations in 1964 and 1971. The performance featured Olga Borodina as Delilah and Clifton Forbis as Samson, with the conduction of Emmanuel Villaume.

Operas containing biblical stories were taboo in XIX century France, so Samson and Delilah was first played in Germany, becoming relatively popular since then.

The plot outlines the turbulent relationship between Samson –a Jew- and Delilah –a philistine-, the infamous couple from the Old Testament. They do not resemble the type of love embodied by Romeo and Juliet, being members from enemy castes that fall in love, a recurrent theme since Purgatory’s Canto VI depiction of the Montecchi and the Cappelletti.

The opera couldn’t really maintain all the expectations laid down during the overture, which welcomes such an intensity and passion that makes it hard for the rest of the opera to keep up, hence falling short in comparison. Most of the opera does not reach the height of other works, such as Danse Macabre, from Saint-Saëns.

As outlined previously, the opera does not recover after its emphatic introduction. However, it has some praiseworthy tunes, such as a bacchanale, and a couple of commendable arias, among which Mon cœur s’ouvre à ta voix (Softly awakes my heart) resulted particularly appealing to the audience.

Toward the opera’s resolution, particularly during the third act, most of the scenes are filled with recurrent, almost recursive, tunes, as if Saint-Saëns had ran out of inspiration by then. At this juncture, we have more dancing than singing and the opera becomes a symphony, which takes away from the dramatic overtone the plot was building up to.

Conversely, the scenography and visual effects were handled masterfully. The opera’s climax, the falling of the temple, was able to elicit shocking responses and genuine reactions within the audience. Also, the third act presented a few scenes in where Samson sings while the rest of the cast stands idly, thus making him a greater focus of attention. This technique was not only a clever of enhancing the plot’s message but it was an absolute visual success. Most of such scenes were so perfectly executed that they seemed Renaissance paintings, a true photographic achievement and an impressive job by choreographer Nycole Ray, make-up designer Dawn Rivard, costume designer Carrie Robbins, and set designer Peter Dean Beck.

Even though the opera was originally written in French by Ferdinand Lemaire, as it was presented to an American audience, it featured English subtitles. Such subtitles made sure to capitalize any references to God, either in name or through personal pronouns; making him the great, albeit hidden, protagonist. Nonetheless, this opera wasn’t really about Samson, Dagon, love, or God for that matter, but about Delilah, a persuasive and pragmatic woman.

Samson’s most impressive biblical actions get omitted in the opera. And the performance makes clear how extraordinary masculine strength, such as in the cases of Samson and Hercules, can only be tamed by feminine seductiveness.

Sophocles’s Electra

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

AT&T Performing Arts Center, 2403 Flora Street, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas, 75201

Spanish version available in Bicidue.


Electra takes place in Argos a few years after the Trojan War. Even though the work showcases Electra as the main character, Orestes and Clytemnestra are in fact at the center of the plot.

The play was directed by Kevin Moriarty and displayed on Annette Strauss Square by the Dallas Theater Center. This adaptation was an interesting take on a classical play, especially because it used experimental techniques in a successful fashion. The actors and the audience interacted constantly and the screenplay was very dynamic and fluid, with no interruptions such as life itself. Most of the time, the audience experienced the actors talking directly to them, as if they were the cameramen in a film.

The play sides with a very patriarchal and androgenic (male-centered) worldviews. Indeed, King Agamemnon’s crimes are mostly ignored. Agamemnon is portrayed as a victim when he was never so. Let us remember how he sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to allow the Greek fleet reach Trojan soil safely, just as Jephthah did in the Bible.

Electra displays brotherly bonds and familial stress and disagreements masterfully. This is especially a work about revenge and its cyclical nature but also about forgiveness (or the lack thereof) and earthly justice.

Electra presents the world as a continuous sequence of causal events. We see how every action has a reaction (Newton’s third law), and every crime has a punishment (from now on, we should probably refer to Sophocles before we refer to Dostoyevsky). For instance, let us explore how the following events were interrelated:

  1. Paris chooses Aphrodite (who promises Paris the love of most beautiful woman in the world) in despite of Hera and Athena (Apple of Discord event).
  2. Paris snatches Helen from Sparta and takes her to Troy, even though she was married to Menelaus.
  3. Trying to rescue Helen, the Greeks declare war on Troy.
  4. The Greek fleet gets delayed in Aulis and Agamemnon sacrifices his daughter Iphigenia to please Artemis.
  5. Clytemnestra takes Aegisthus as her lover and kills Agamemnon. Aegisthus becomes king.
  6. Electra allows Orestes to escape and he returns years later to kill his mother and her lover Aegisthus.
  7. Orestes gets persecuted by the Erinyes or Furies because of his crime.

I disliked the fact that Pylades does not appear in the plot and is instead replaced by an old pedagogue, who assimilates his part. Furthermore, Agamemnon assumes the chorus’s role at times and operates as Orestes’s conscience. The Electra complex from Jung’s Neo-Freudian psychology describes how daughters compete with their mothers for the attention of the fatherly figure. You can definitely see how Electra gets more drawn to his father, albeit in a non-sexual way (it is extremely common to see the psychosexual approach misinterpreted and misrepresented).

The play ends with the best possible scenario and both Orestes and Iphigenia (she surprisingly survived her sacrifice, such as Isaac did in the Bible) get reunited after Orestes is finally forgiven by the Gods: only a divine intervention can prevent future bloodshed and end the cyclical nature of revenge. It is very common for Greek myths to have different versions, especially based on the historical period in which they were written on. Also, Electra proves how violence cannot go on forever and, as Gandhi said: “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”

Madame Butterfly — Opera by Giacomo Puccini

Thursday, March 23, 2017
The Dallas Opera, 2403 Flora Street, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75201

Spanish version available in Relatos Sin Contrato.

Having wings doesn’t mean you can fly. This is especially true about Giacomo Puccini’s opera Madame Butterfly, which is staged on 1904’s Nagasaki and has three acts. The libretto was originally written in Italian by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa. The plot is based on a short story by John Luther Long.

The opera’s main character is Cio-Cio San (Madame Butterfly), a 15-year old Japanese girl who gets engaged to B. F. Pinkerton, a US Navy lieutenant stationed in Japan. The plot revolves around freedom and draws an analogy to Rousseau’s maxim: “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” Butterfly can break away from her duties and customs, but not from her feelings, which would end up destroying her.

Pinkerton owns the house as he owns the wife, and yet cancelling both contracts would come very easy to him. An analogy can be drawn to the ninth commandment (“Thou shalt not covet thy neighour’s wife”) as if females and property were one and the same.

Pinkerton is obviously not in love with Cio-Cio San but longs to get back to America to remarry. Butterfly proves her love once and again fighting against familial pressures (represented by his uncle Bonze), renouncing her ancestral religion, nationality, and family, embracing Christianity, bearing Pinkerton’s son, rebuking her maid Suzuki’s advices, and rejecting Prince Yamadori’s proposal after Pinkerton leaves to America.

After being inconsolable for several years, Cio-Cio San gets a glimpse of hope when she learns that Pinkerton is returning to Japan. She commits suicide when she finally realizes that her feelings are not simply not reciprocated but intended for someone else: Kate Pinkerton. Pinkerton gets temporarily taken aback once he understands how much Butterfly really loves him but one couldn’t help but think that Pinkerton was not genuine or moved by emotion but by regret, remorse, and guilt.

Madame Butterfly is more a clash of feelings than it is a clash of cultures. Puccini is the Bel canto (beautiful singing) composer who never labeled himself so. His aria “Un Bel Di Vedremo (On Fine Day We Shall See)” would be enough to prove it. Puccini inserts a wide number of popular tunes within his operas, such as Tosca’s E Lucevan Le Estelle and Turandot’s Nessun Dorma.

Amazon Fire for free II! Amazon Fire gratis II!

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  1. Enter a comment to this post with your favorite quote. Only comments included in the blog will be considered and no comments sent by email, Facebook, Twitter, among others, will be accepted. Comments will only be accepted in Spanish, English, or Latin.
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  • The prize will consist of a Fire Tablet with Alexa 7” 8 GB in black, blue, pink, or orange.
  • The prize includes shipping costs to any part of the world.
  • The winner will need to provide a physical address (not a PO Box) to receive his/her prize.

Rights and Restrictions: replicated from


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  • Si no logramos contactar con el ganador en un plazo de cinco días o el ganador se rehúsa a aceptar el premio, elegiremos a un nuevo ganador.


  • El premio consistirá en un Fire Tablet con Alexa 7” 8 GB en color negro, azul, rosado o naranja.
  • El premio incluye gastos de envío a cualquier parte del mundo.
  • El ganador tendrá que suministrar una dirección física (no un PO Box) para recibir su premio.

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De Troya says enough!

— Spoilers ahead —
7 / 10

Spanish version available in Revista La Oca Loca.

I had a chance to attend De Troya‘s premiere last Friday, 05/05/2017 and I enjoyed a crude yet symbolic and rewarding acting display.

The story, written by Caridad Svich and directed by David Lozano, outlines the mishaps of Mara (Maya Malan-Gonzalez) and Raya (Stefanie Tovar). Filled with symbolism and allusions, the play portrays feminism and victim-hood as being interrelated, as if women were set up to lose this game we call life.

Except for a fleeting reference to Pegasus, the flying horse born from Medusa’s blood, the play lacks mythological references that could have made it stronger. For instance, I would have recommended using Hecate, a Christian-like trinity of Greek origin made up of three different natures: Apollo’s sister Artemis, Selene (the Moon), and Hecate’s infernal representation. In the same way Artemis and Selene have parallel lives in different realms, so do Mara and Raya.

Throughout the play, you can start noticing more and more similarities between both women, as they start taking control over their lives, as they stop being victims. Such a progression is so central to the plot, that you cannot help but ignoring all other characters and regard them as peripheral and unremarkable at best. You could almost smell the environment of violence and despair both Mara and Raya find themselves in.

The plot reminded Michael Apted’s Enough (2002), coincidentally starring an abused and hopeless Hispanic woman named Slim Hiller (Jennifer Lopez), who is trying to escape his possessive, chauvinistic, and androgenic husband. In the same way Slim Hiller starts growing and eventually overcomes his fears and starts fighting back until she prevails, so does Mara. Mara descends into hell and makes it back, even though she probably thought that ending her life would have been easier. Yet Mara, in opposed to Eurydice, does not need an Orpheus to escape from Hades. She has everything see needs, she finds herself. We can also see how Raya grows away from hate and starts welcoming forgiveness, finally adopting a saint-like attitude.

Svich‘s writing is strong and Lozano‘s adaptation is praiseworthy. In despite of a few disconnected scenes, I wholeheartedly recommend De Troya.

Review a synopsis here.

Buy tickets here.

Evento “Quiero un Kindle” (concluido) / “I want a Kindle” event (closed)

Y la ganadora es: Hilary (@HilyBee): “Cuanto más el hombre medita en sus buenos pensamientos, mejor será su mundo y el mundo en general” — Confucio (comentado el 15 de abril de 2017 a las 8:27 am).

And the winner is: Hilary (@HilyBee): “The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large” — Confucius (posted on 04/15/2017 at 8:27 am).


¡Podrías ganarte un Kindle con una frase filosófica!

You could win a Kindle by sharing a philosophical quote! (You will find an English translation below.)

Fire 7


  • Este evento ha sido organizado por el sitio web “Arte y Tecnología” y no está vinculado directamente a ninguna red social ni ha sido patrocinado por éstas.
  • Uno de los objetivos del evento es hacernos entender cuán importante es la filosofía y cuán relacionada está a nuestras vidas. La participación en el evento garantiza la aceptación total de las bases presentes. El evento inaugura dicho sitio web.
  • El concurso comenzará oficialmente el viernes, 14 de abril de 2017 a las 8:00 pm Hora Central y terminará el lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017 a las 8:00 pm Hora Central.


  • El ganador será seleccionado de manera aleatoria (a través de un sorteo) de entre la lista total de participantes.
  • Cada participante debe completar los siguientes pasos:
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  • Si no logramos contactar con el ganador en un plazo de cinco días o el ganador se rehúsa a aceptar el premio, elegiremos a un nuevo ganador.


  • El premio consistirá en un Fire Tablet con Alexa 7″ 8 GB en color negro, azul, rosado o naranja.
  • El premio incluye gastos de envío a cualquier parte del mundo.
  • El ganador tendrá que suministrar una dirección física (no PO Box) para recibir su premio.


  • Quedamos eximidos de cualquier responsabilidad en el supuesto de existir algún error en los datos facilitados por los participantes que impidieran su identificación. No nos responsabilizamos por problemas de derechos de autor, fraudes, falsificaciones, abusos o plagio. No nos responsabilizamos de las posibles pérdidas, deterioros, robos o cualquier otra circunstancia imputable a correos que puedan afectar al envío de los premios.
  • No existen restricciones de edad, género, zona geográfica, etcétera, para participar en este concurso.
  • Cada participante puede entrar varias frases, pero debe limitar cada comentario a una frase.
  • Entendemos que autores diferentes podrían participar con la misma frase pero sólo regalaremos un premio.
  • La información será aceptada solamente de manera electrónica.
  • La selección será basada en el nombre del participante y no en su comentario, así que estadísticamente cada participante tiene las mismas posibilidades de ganar. Los datos de los participantes serán tratados de manera confidencial, aunque los comentarios pueden aparecer en páginas públicas.
  • Todos los comentarios deben ser aprobados antes de mostrarse al público.
  • Al participar, el participante garantiza que es el autor de la frase filosófica o mencionará al autor de la misma.
  • El ganador nos permitirá publicar su nombre y frase en todas las redes sociales que estimemos conveniente por un plazo mínimo de dos años. Cualquier comentario ofensivo o irrelevante en cualquier forma será borrado y el participante será descalificado: nuestra decisión será final e inapelable.
  • Derechos:
    Nos reservamos el derecho de prorrogar, suspender o modificar el evento una vez iniciado.


  • This event has been organized by the website “Art and Technology” and is not directly linked to or sponsored by any social network.
  • One of the objectives of the event is to make us understand how important philosophy is and how it is related to our lives. The participation in the event guarantees the total acceptance of the present bases. The event inaugurates the website.
  • The contest will officially begin on Friday, April 14TH, 2017 at 8:00 am Central Time and will end on Monday, May 15TH, 2017 at 8:00 pm Central Time.


  • The winner will be randomly selected (through a draw) from the full list of participants.
  • Each participant must complete the following steps:
  1. Enter a comment to this post with your favorite philosophical quote. Only the comments included in the blog will be considered and no comments sent by email, Facebook, Twitter, among others, will be accepted. Comments will only be accepted in Spanish, English, or Latin.
  2. Do a Like to the following Facebook page:
  • If we fail to contact the winner within five days or the winner refuses to accept the prize, we will choose a new winner.


  • The prize will consist of a Fire Tablet with Alexa 7 ” 8 GB in black, blue, pink, or orange.
  • The prize includes shipping costs to any part of the world.
  • The winner will need to provide a physical address (not PO Box) to receive their prize.


  • We are exempt from any liability in the event of any error in the data provided by the participants that prevented their identification. We are not responsible for issues related to copyright, fraud, forgery, abuse or plagiarism. We are not responsible for any loss, damage, theft or any other circumstance attributable to emails that may affect the sending of the prizes.
  • There are no restrictions on age, gender, geographical area, etcetera, to participate in this contest.
  • Each participant can enter several sentences, but must limit each comment to one quote.
  • We understand that different authors can enter the same phrase but only a single prize will be issued.
  • The information will only be accepted electronically.
  • The selection will be based on the name of the participant and not on his comment, so statistically each participant has the same chances of winning. Participant data will be treated confidentially, although comments may appear on public pages.
  • All comments must be approved before being shown to the public.
  • When participating, the participant guarantees that he is the author of the philosophical phrase or will mention the quote’s author.
  • The winner will allow us to publish his/her name and phrase in all social networks that we consider convenient for a minimum term of two years. Any offensive or irrelevant comments in any form will be deleted and the participant will be disqualified: our decision will be final and unappealable.


  • We reserve the right to extend, suspend or modify the event once it has started.